
MENSCH | men(t)SH | a person of integrity and honor.

in the basement

That’s right! We are located underground in the basement of G & G Insurance in the Evelyn Hills Shopping Center. With 75% of our walls insulated from the elements, this keeps the temperature between 65-75º degrees year round. That’s pretty amazing when it’s 96º outside.

During the Fayetteville, AR Summer, when it feels like an oven outside, we are hovering around an ambient temperature of 72-74º. Add the cool breeze from the numerous Big Ass Fans and it’s a little slice of CrossFit Heaven. In the Winter when it’s -15º and your pipes are freezing, we are comfortably warm at 65º.

To accomadate the athletes who need shower facilities: we’ve got you covered. There are 5 individual bathrooms with 3 of them also containing a shower.

Floor Space

With 17,000 sqft to work with, we have made sure to keep the main workout area nice and open. Our 10,000 sqft main room has two 44′ Rogue Monster Lite rigs and an additional 10′ rig in, what we call, our “Tiny Box”.

“Tiny Box”

The “Tiny Box” is a 600 sqft area with 2 Olympic lifting platforms specifically set up for athletes looking to focus on Olympic weightlifting. We’ve also installed a rig for squating and gymnastics movements.

Specialty Room

We have a 1535 sqft area separated from the main floor that we have designated the “Specialty Room”. The idea behind this layout is to provide a space athletes can do additional programming without interferring with the group classes.

Kid’s space

Feel confident your children have a safe and clean environment to hang-out in while you’re working on your fitness. We’ve set aside 300+ sqft specifically for all the munchkins to enjoy themselves and be creative while the parents can wod to their heart’s desire.

Where Are We Located?

We are located on College Ave (US71) in Fayetteville, AR in the Evelyn Hills Shopping Center behind Tacos 4 Life. We are underneath (in the basement) G&G Insurance Group .


You'll need to take the road (E. Natural Way) on the North side of the shopping center (between Tacos 4 Life and the Verizon Store) down to the lower level to access the entrance.

Mensch CrossFit

203 E Natural Way
Fayetteville, AR 72703

in the basement
under G&G Insurance

Honor | Integrity | Dedication



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